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A brief summary of the History of the OTO in Switzerland

In the early 1910s Theodor Reuss, the head of the Order at that time following Carl Kellner, met Aleister Crowley and admitted him to the first three degrees of the OTO. The official successor of Crowley as Outer Head of the Order was Karl Germer who served in his role until his death in 1962 but, at his departure, had not left an official successor. The head of OTO Switzerland at that time was Hermann Metzger, who had been initiated into the OTO in Germany in the 1950s. At the death of Germer, Metzeger was one of several who claimed authority over the Order worldwide. However, besides the inner circle in Switzerland, his claims were not taken seriously and the leadership of the OTO was assigned to Grady McMurtry in 1969.


Nonetheless, Metzger continued to administer the Swiss branch of the OTO as if he was the actual head of the only legitimate branch of the Order. This was facilitated internally by the supportive election that had happened in Switzerland, and despite several attempts had been done to denounce Metzger’s imposition. Metzger later incorporated the branch of O.T.O. he was leading into his new organisation, the "Ordo Illuminatorum", which purported to be a revival of the order of the Illuminati. Metzger died in 1990 and with him OTO Switzerland ceased its activity for a while.

OTO became active again in the surroundings of Switzerland with the opening of the OTO Camp Aswa-O, in St. Blasien in the 2010s. Afterwards, OTO Switzerland became officially active again with the opening of the Friedrich Nietzsche Camp on Sept. 17th, 2015 in Basel. The Camp was upgraded to Oasis on 16th of August 2016, and moved to Bern in 2022, where it is fully active nowadays.

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Friedrich Nietzsche Oasis, Bern, Switzerland

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